Saturday, December 17, 2011

Torn into pieces

Oh how I wish he knows.
How I wish he would understands.

Maybe this is the part when my sister said "Naah, you are just having one of those moments when you felt like you eager to do something and end up meaningless few days later"

But I think it is a great transformation.
And I don't think I have the courage to do so.

I am torn into pieces. I don't know which road to take.
What should I do nonetheless.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Bila la aku nak keje nie ye? Tiap kali nak keluar menoreh, ujan lebat.
Keputusan permohonan UiTM belum dapat semak lagi. nebEss jugak.
Bila dah confirm keputusan tu, bole la decide wether keje tetap or sambung blaja.

So far hidup aku bosan!
Duit pun takde.

Aku nak beli enset baru, dah lame sangat kot aku pinjam En.Nestum nye fon.
Enset dulu 2x kene curik. Sony Ericson ngan Nokia C6.
Urggh! The losts. I miss my phones.

Aku arap dapat keje bulan depan. Please stop raining. T__T

Monday, November 21, 2011

.:. It has to be told .:.

Well, I can;t believe I'm going to say this

But do you recognise this?


I have a Twitter account.

After few years critisizing the potential and irritation of Twitter, I finnaly made an account.
Yea yea, I'm ***** yadayadayada~

I was tempted by the curiosity of my own. Can't blame it tho.
Follow me on Twitter, ekahAsri. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

.:. Not that it is not Important .:.

Well, I just want to say that I didn't get the TESL. Bummerrr. Yeah.
I am still unemployed. suupperrb. Yea~
I am actually envy every blogger that has awesome blog. (HUH?)
Okay, I am annoyed with my life. Fine~

I don't know if I'm too bored from doing nothing for the past few months, (jobless) or maybe I was just occupied with messiness in my head that was making me being like this. AWFUL~

I hate everything I see, read, smell or touch. Urgh! Maybe this is IT, one of the moments that people are having breakdown in life. I guess.

Or maybe I hate life because I couldn't do anything after knowing that I have slipped the only opportunity to keep doing what I love. English, studying the twists, the precious unheard words, the sentences that can make me have a goosebumps. The only subject that I love in life, the only things that I actually enjoy doing, writing short stories, open my notebook and write some ridiculuos poems. And now, knowing that I CAN'T learn more and deeply on it, it is DEVASTATING.

I hate my blog, by looking at it, I felt naseous, whats with the polca dot anyways? IDIOT. Its not cool at all.

p/s : I hate my life.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

.Harapan & Kerja Sambilan. :)

UiTM da apply, so tunggu je keputusan nye, mitak-mitak ade rezeki untuk sambung blaja. Pastu taun dopan apply lagih ngan UPU, InsyaAllah dapat. Mood study blom abes lagih neh. Kursus-kursus yang aku pilih tu sume da ikowt kelayakan aku, kalo xdapat nak wat caner. Meanwhile, aku g job hunting with my bestfriend. Ade jugak aku pegi temuduga untuk keje tetap tapi tak diizinkan oleyh ayah aku. Die cakap kalo nak sambung blaja, keje part time je duluh, xyah nak keje2 serious sgt. Kalo xnak keje, dok je kat umah. So, macam ler aku neh suke dok terperuk kat umah mcm anak dara mithali kan? wahaha. Aku kua ler carik keje part time kat bandar KB.

Lam puluh2 jugak la jawatan kosong yang ade tapi ade yang ayah aku tak berkenan, bile ayah aku izin mama BFF aku plak yg tak berkenan. Last2 keje kat satu kedai neh, agak lebat gak ler gaji nye. Kalo keje lame, dapat elaun lagih. ahaks. InsyaAllah aku start keje arinih. Agak baik prihatin member aku sorang neh, SMS aku pepagi buta untuk ucap "Selamat Bekerja". HAHA. Ni ler untung nye ade kawan camnih, ade semangat cket aku nak g keje.

Mr. Nestum plak ok je skang neh walaupun masih ade lagih salah faham sane sini. Papepun, masih perlu cuba untuk memahami die. So ekah, ko jangan nak ego mengalahkan ego die plak. Kawan aku cakap, lam hubungan neh, kene SABAR, BERTOLAK ANSUR. Dua elemen nih ler yang aku agak kureng lam diri sendiri. PErlu belajar lagih. insyaAllah.

Jom pegi keje! Keje neh kire yang ketiga la aku wat part time. ahaks! Yeaay ME! :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

- A date with HIM -

Today I wanna go out with him again. AGAIN? yea~ 'cause yesterday I went out with him along with my bestfriend. We ate at some place, I forgot the name~

And today, we will be going to eat sup belut!!! My all time favorite. :)
And after that, he will help me with my scooter. Fix and put something in. Thank God I have my own foreman. :p

Neway, still waiting for his text..............
Can't wait to dive into the sup belut.. :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The past and The future.

Today I met my precious Mr.Nestum, we ate "Sup Belut" and stuffed our belly with tasty dishes.
It is my last day seeing him, for now. I have to go to KL tomorrow for my convocation ceremony on 1st of OCT 2011 at PICC.
I felt a lift of a joy when I get the chance to meet him. I can feel his warmth and love from his sweet smile. The smile that reminds me how fortunate I am for having him in my life.

I asked his permission to have his ring. The ring which he always wore everyday. I wanna make it as a memorable token for my convo ceremony. And yes, as always, I'm missing him already.
I hope he will stay loyal when I'm gone. I give him my full respect for his patience, loyalty and faithfulness. Yes, I love him so much. :)

Enough said, I'm filling my bag with Baju Kurung. Right~ "Baju Kurung". A convenient wardrobe for a formal ceremony, which I never wore before. I HAVE to wear it on THE day.

That is the feed for 1st of OCT '11, I wanna share with you guys what happened on Mr.Nestum's birthday, he picked me up that day, and brought me to the mall. We walked around hand in hand, window shopping and apparently I cant resist myself when I spotted few nice shirts in PDI store. We bought 5 T-shirts. Two for him and three for me, (of course I got more).

Well, forward to my birthday, we didnt spend much time because we were far apart from each other. But we spoke for 24hrs that day. He always been there for me. Cherished me whenever I'm feeling down. And pull me to be more grounded when I forgot when I'm standing. When we met, exactly on 3rd of Syawal, he picked me up with his black car. And as soon as I'm in the car, making myself comfortable, wearing the sitbelt on, he said, "I came with a friend today". I wondered, there is no other human being in the car except us. I looked at the back sit and I saw this adorable BIG white and creamy teddy bear sitting there. I was like "OMG!!! A teddy bear!!"

And you know how that goes, "oh Hubby, you're so sweet! TQ" etc etc~

That was what happened for the past month. Our birthday. :)

Hari raya this year, we didnt get the chance to dressed up in our maroon outfit. And didnt have the chance to snap some pictures. T__T

But we went to few of our friend's openhouse. We stuffed our belly again (but he just ate a small porpotion of meals and started to smoke ciggarates) as ALWAYS~

I enjoyed staying home with my lovely sister, Amy. I miss her.
And now, I'm starting to shape up my own future. After my convocation ceremony, I hope I can take MUET and apply UPU to further studies in TESL. I know, the field is out of my diploma field. But somehow, I want to chase for what I love and carry on to satisfy my passion in English Literature. InsyaAllah.

Anyway, there will be lots more delay for the next entry. As ALWAYS. :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rajin bace, malas taip

da lme gaks ar kot aku xhapdet blog neh.
loads of stuff happened since last few months.
Happy Eid! Our birthdays! My posting moments.

Damn! now i've realized how fast time passes by.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

White Lion's Lady by Tina St. John

An epic English novel based on English fiction, ventures through a journey with romantic, lust and exciting action between two forbidden love birds from different part of world.

An innocent young girl who fell in love with a future knight, grew up holding her dreams to meet up with her precious knight again. An honorable knight who once an abandoned baby, left from his maternal mother in front of a great ruling castle. Raised with full skill and honor.

Somehow, they met in an awkward positions where both are unfamiliar to each other, fought and spoke of curses. An exciting and mesmerizing beauty of their journey led to an astonishment.

I enjoy reading this book very much. Taken aback from the delicate English literature and their imaginations.

What would be my next book to read eyh?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

- Ape ek -

Bosan nye..
I love blogging but I'll blog whenever I feel like to...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

You're the reason why..

We fight and we made up again.
'cause that is LOVE.

no more same arguments. please~
we love each other and that is THAT!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Today's Tribute.

Hurm, there is not a lot to talk about.

i miss him yet i'm broken.

i love him yet we're far apart.

what else should i do?

push him away is better than hurting him more and more in the future. rite?

maybe its because of the constant argument, made me feels like i'm nobody.

for the worst part, i think i'm losing myself.

is there more that i can do?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

da bosan la skin neh.
ades, nak letak ape plak ea.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Minah kemarau?

ape la plak anak spupu aku ni,
tetibe plak kua gelaran "minah kemarau"
kate nye, minah kemarau ni gelaran utk wanita2 yang berpakaian serba labuh..
ape la ek???

ape da jadik dgn pemahaman belia ni..
die tuh baru je form 2, peer pressure la ni kot.

bile org tanye, die cakap "org bandar mmg camni Che' ekah".
amboi, ko ingt aku ni org kampung ke?
lepas perdebatan utk mnyedarkan beliau, beliau nampak mcm da paham da cket psl duniawi ni.

dgn bantuan ustazah Nik Ain, selaku sepupu rapat aku, berjaya la kami bg penjelasan kat die.
penat tol!
arap die da xlyn da sume ni.
maklumla, bdk tgh nak maju.

plak tu, die post status kat fb, sume bende2 branded,
post gmbo brg2 branded.
letak name Pavillion time, aduiii...
kdg2 cara tu da mcm nyah pown ade, xpaham tol la.

xpelah, tu tnggungjawab mak ayah die la plak nk wat ape.
parent ade fb, leh pantau da anak die. huhu. ^^

Saturday, April 16, 2011


ye ye, mmg skang dah kul 3pagi,
tapi aku xley tdo~
ni la akibat bile teguk nescafe 2 gelas.
tido plak dr tgh ari smpai maghrib.
solat x sbb..........................

tnggu en.nestum smpai umh
katenye kua ngn kwn2 round KL.
xley nk kontek plak sbb bateri die abes
sempat je die paw enset mmber die anto msg kat aku.

yer yer, kul 3pg, die pn xbalik rmh lg.
merendek knl tmpt la katekan.
xpela, esk die xkeje.. hehe

*en.nestum kol da. adei. kne bebel xtdo lg time ni. owg tnggu die =.="*

NITEZ u'ollz~

Friday, April 15, 2011

_Ketentuan itu_

merindui yang kejauhan,
mencintai yang sudah pasti,
menempuhi dengan penuh ketabahan,
mengamati hidup penuh erti.

da mule da mood poetic ni.
da lame x reka poem baru kan?
ilham neh datang kjap2 je,
skali *tink!* ade idea, trus tulis.
dulu2 slalu lepak blakang pelangi mall petang2, sekadar amek angin,
pen, buku msti ade lam tgn sbb slalunye time tu la ayat2 tu dtg.

skang plak ase sedey bile en.nestum da seminggu lebey berada dikejauhan.
semalam die gtaw berita yg baik+buruk bg kitorg.
die ckp, kontrak keje die dpt smbung smpai setahun.
so, die akn jd warga kl tu for few more months. +_+

aku xtaw nak respon camane,
tp aku bsyukur sbb die dimurahkan rezeki.
tp sedey bile tmbah lame xdpt jumpe die.
die pn cam berat hati nk gtaw,
die phm aku xsuke die dok jauh.

tp aku tetap hepi utk die dan sokong die dr blkng.

sajak ke ape atas tu ek?
aku pown da lupe.
tp aku suka kumpulkan kata2, yg mmberi kesimpulan perasaan.
sesape yg phm poem atas tu, kongsi2 la ea pndpt awk. hehe.

p/s : blog aku ni mmg da mcm blog syok sdiri. pnuh gmbr aku je.
xde art lngsung. haha
aku mmg xkreatif. kalo xske, sowiey ea! :p

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Another new header????

blog aku da jadik blog org yg syok sendiri je neh.
tapi xkesa ler, da puas ati neh ngedit gmbo!
demam dinner punye pasal! =]

.Masquerade Night.

Pengalaman yang paling best jadi pengacara mlm tu..
Jocker jadik co-host aku. ngeh2.

Aktiviti yang best mlm tu,

- Nyanyian duet Bella ngan Dahlila -
(Power vokal dua org neh!)

- Laju je Hartila naek pentas amek adiah-
hiks ^^

- King and Queen of Masquerade Night -

- Duet lagi Azuanti ngan dot dot dot, (lupe la nme dak junior neh) -

- Nyanyian lagih! berkumpulan, lagu Gemilang ase nye -

- Cultured performance -

- Fashion Show -

- Student award (Dean list and top student) -

Nak tahu nape 4 orang ni dipanggil nek ke pentas?
Sbb aku ngan Jocker kenekan diorg.
Jadi Pemberita bertopeng 4. hehe

(Jangan tengok jari tengah yang aku TERsalah angkat tu!!!)

1st, aku tawarkan produk ni sape yg nak aku mtk diorg naik ke pentas..
and thennn..

kalo nak adiah ni, promote dlu produk tu kat sume org.. wakakaka..
sonok kenekan membe aku neh!


Ini aku pown xtaw mase ane Naimi snap. hahaha.

- DHC 0804 -

Sempat la posing sakan atas Red Carpet ni. hihi.
(Lighting je lebey ni) lalala~

*sorry ye Cik Nasihah sbb da kenekan ko mlm tu. hehe. we had fun right!*

Monday, April 4, 2011

ke KL lagik~

lom sempat lg nk abeskan spnuh mse ngn en.nestum, die tpakse pi kL lg. :(
aku relakan je, die pn brt ati nk tinggl aku.
die g pown cari rezeki.
semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan die dan berkati perjalanan die.

ble lak dpt jmpe ngn die.. hurmm..
xpela, aku doakan yg terbaik tok die.
have a safe trip aby. :(

Saturday, April 2, 2011


setelah penat aku membodek mok ngan ayoh,
simpan duit hasil jual on9 artikel,
hasil dr sumbangan en.nestum.
maka lahirlah nokia C6.
my new baby.
name die putih sbb die kala puntis. ahaks!

gumbira ase dpt fon idaman ni.
skang putih ngah tido, 8 jam whooaaa...
xley nak usik2 die lg. huhu.

aku bsyukur sgt.
berkat kesabaran aku, dpt jgk C6 ni..

Friday, April 1, 2011

dalam kenangan.

aku rindu gilo la ko enset aku.
maso balik kelas aritu, beg aku terjatuh, aku xsedar.
enset plok ado dale tu. :(
balik rumoh nok bukok paga baru prase beg xdok kat tempat letok kaki.
ya Allah, Engkau menguji hambaMu ini dgn dugaan yg kecil tp cukup untuk membuat aku berasa azabnya. :(

loni, en.nestum bg aku paka enset dio.
sleso la ckit nok msg.

idup ni meme pnuh nga ujian dih?
xckup nga ilang enset, slipa NIKE huk g bli nga en.nestum pom iley.
iley plop kat sejid ms ari jumaat aritu.
meme terbaik la dih?
niat aku molek, ikhlas nk g dgr ore cramoh, tp buleh pekdoh plop. aih...

tp biala, xdok rezeki kea dih?
ork nga gitu jah la.
ibu wi doh pitih bli huk baru.
tp cari2, saiz plok xdok. =.="

rindu molek la nga si hijau (slipa) nga si chiro (w705). T_T

azam loni, nk bli nokia C6 plop!
slipa nk cari huk adidas..
semoga Allah swt murahkan rezeki aku. hehe

Pauh Puntip..

aku da lame ngidam nak makan colek pauh ni. huhu.
en.nestum ckp umh die ade la pauh mude, tp kecik2 ag.

aritu g jalan2 ngn parent kat kb..
nmpk pkok pauh byk je tepi2 jalan.
tliur nye~

EN : "ibu! acu tgk tu pkok2 pauh, sedak tu wak colek"
Ibu : "pohon huk umh tokwe lebat tp xleyh nk masuk sbb semok tebal"

adui.. tringin nye nk mkn colek~
pastu smlm ayah ckp "nuh! g tgk gpo dale bekas"
aku pn pkir, apela ek~


Teng teng teng...

(a box of pauh putik!)

ape lg? best la aku mkn ngn rakus. haha.
colek pown best, ibu bt sdiri.
aku tnye "mari mano ni byk ibu?"
ibu ckp "ayoh bwk galoh, kait kat blake surau opih"

sweet ayoh.
mmg puas ati ah mkn ni.

thanks dad.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

- Ms. Gomez! -

yea, i have a new addiction
SELENA GOMEZ is the virus
spreading all over my mind. haha!

korang tgk die adorable kan?
lagu² die sume aku bleh layan.
yg single terbaru 'Who Says'
inspiring giler lorh.
orang yg xcute da syok sdiri sume. hehe!
(tmasuk la ngn aku)
teng teng teng~

mengisi mase² lapang, edit template.
and guess wut? sume nye selena gomez! hahaha.

hurmmm... pkir nk edit letak sape plak pasni... *wink*

+ Annual Dinner +

hidup aku da tungang terbalik bile Madam Rossa gtaw, aku kne jadi Master of Ceremony utk annual dinner nanti. lam ati neh da berdebar tahap gaban sbb aku risau, aku xreti ckp KL ni. haha. tp tersudut jauh lam ati aku, ada excitement sbb aku mmg suke jd MC ni, tahap gaban! hehe.
maklumla, suke dok kat centre of attention. lalala~

aku ade 1 isu.
aku gtaw da madam yg aku xley ckp KL ni.
alhamdulillah. die bg aku speaks in english.
jocker, merangkak partner aku (mmg dak KL jati) akn ckp bm.
ade la versatiliti di situ.
pape pown, preparation ckit je.
byk lg nk kne discuss ngn madam n jocker.

aku xpkai la dress. nnt bleh pnyepak free lak ngn ayah aku. huhu.
mini kurong or jubah je la.
sempoi² nnt xcun plak kan sbb jocker tu mmg dressing kaw². adoiyai.
mask blom bli lg neh. aku xminat la event cmni tp bile dpt jd MC, agak excited nk pegi!
cant wait!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

tataw la~

bile perasaan diluahkan, masalah segera menjengah.
bile kite cuba berterus terang, terus diintai salah faham.

Aku da blur~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Camtu kot...

En. Nestum da bosan kot ngan aku.
Yela, aku asek msg die je.
Die cakap nk msg tgh ari nanti sbb ade keje ngn mak sdare die.
Tp aku nmpk die on9 fb je.
Tataw la ntah2 wat keje smbil on9 kot.

Terkilan jgk la sbb die bese nye gtaw sume kat aku. huhu.
Mungkin camni kot kedaan nye bile die da start keje kat sne.
Mungkin die da jarang gtaw sume kat aku.. kan?

Pape pun, aku tetap syg die.
Aku akn ade ngn die.
Bagi die masa tok diri die sdiri sblum die srabot ngan aku.
Miss him terribly. :(

Saturday, March 26, 2011

once UPON a time...

Bosan2 tunggu En. Nestum jalan sane sini kat Mid Valley, aku belek2 la printer baru yg ayah angkut dr pc FAIR aritu. Rupe2 nye ade 3 function, fotostat, scan, print..
Tup2, tertimbul la idea bernas nk scan gmbr2 lame zaman kuno.. hehe..

Aku scan agak banyak pastu upload lam Facebook.
Sepupu, adek bradik aku sume gelak bile dpt gmbr2 tu. hiks!
Da kusyuk sgt scan gmbar, aku lupe lak pasai Earth Hour. So, terlepas suda.. huhuhu...

Da tersengih2 plak tgk gmbr2 tu sume..
Ade gaks gmbr zaman aku rabun.. aduiyai.. lucu speks tu..
Alhamdulillah aku da xrabun cm dlu da.
Thanks to my mum.. =]

Ngntok suda.
Penat xwat pape.

Small Heart

Translation : Kecik Hati. hahaha =]

Aku tase ati giler ah ngan En. Nestum arini, aku tawu la die xnak pluang pkerjaan tu tp skurang²nye hargaila cket an. Aku ni prihatin la jgk hal ehwal pakwe aku, tup² die respon camtu. Agak kecik ati la gak an.

Tapi xpela, die pown dok bratus kilometer dr aku, gado² pown xgune, makin tambah rindu ni ha~
Aku biarkan je la. Lgpun mmg die xnk kan. huhu.

Jum ah mkn meggi! sejuk² ujan ni besh gaks lyn megi. =]

+ 2nd Day +

26 of march '11
Aku da hepi tahap gaban mamalia afrika selatan sbb semalam En. Nestum cakap nak balik malam ni. Da prepare neh, pikir nak dating bile die balik nnt. hehehe.
Arini die stay kat umah mak sdare die kat shah alam.
Sian die xmakan kua td. :(

Alhamdulillah die slamat sampai, makan smpai kenyang la. haha.
Aku tanye da bli kew tiket bas utk mlm ni, and guess what? Die cakap balik malam esk lak.
Sedey la camneh, makin rindu suda.
Takpela, try pikir positif, die bukan g mane² pown. Dok umh sdare die jew.

Imagine gaks kadang² kalo die btl² da keje saner, aku caner la nnt ek? hurmm~

+ 1st Day +

25th of march '11
Alhamdulillah En. Nestum da selamat sampai kul 5pg td.
Die stay kat umah kak die kat Klang, kul 9pg plak bergegas g interview, sian die xsempat tido.
Sweet plak bile die msg "B da bjaya yg!", syukurla interview die tu ok. Die pown berpuas hati. hehe. Start la die ganti tido yg xcukup tu.
So, tiap² jam aku penuhi ngan aktiviti yg agak membosankan.
Bile die da bangun, tangan xlekang dari fon sbb dok sms ngan die, hehe. Bile da jauh, ase rindu sgt.. huhuhu.

Aktiviti die jalan² kat Carefour ngn family Akak die. Aku plak dok saje jew kat umh, lyn kepala.
Bosan je ase, xde pape nk buat.
Nak g hostel MALAS, nak blaja masak tp bahan xde.
Nak cuci moto MALAS. hiks~

+ The Day +

24th of march '11
Petang tu sempat jumpe, kua jalan², mkn².
Temankan die pi bli slua slack, meround kat kbmall xjumpe saiz, pi billion pown xde saiz, last² pi Mydin Mall baru jumpe saiz die. ahaks! Maklumla, En. Nestum ni Slim~

Pastu g umah Kak Yie, anto barang Akoapez then blah g makan ngan Bai, Nik.
Balik hostel, sempat lagi die pesan, jage diri elok². Kua gaks airmate sposen dua, tapi sempat la cover. Ahaks!
Aku xsuke die dok jauh², KL plak tu. hurmm.
Tapi xpela, die g sbb nak keje kan?
Ermm.. So die da berjaya lepas interview. Pasni, tnggu jwpn la plak.
Aku doakan supaye die dapat keje tu. Da takdir aku berjauhan ngn die nk wat caner kan? T_T

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Inspiring quote

Alihkan pandangan matamu ke arah LAUT, airnya cantik membiru dan penuh dengan ketenangan. Tetapi hanya Allah sahaja yang mengetahui rahsia di dalamnya. Begitu juga dengan kehidupan manusia, riang dan ketawa tetapi hanya Allah yang mengetahui rahsia kehidupannya. Jika rasa kecewa, alihkan pandanganmu ke arah SUNGAI, airnya tetap mengalir biarpun berjuta batu yang menghalangnya. Dan jika rasa sedih,alihkan pandanganmu ke arah LANGIT, sedarlah dan sentiasa ingatlah bahawa Allah sentiasa bersamamu.

Kebenaran itu.

Besh bace entries dari blog neh.

ade gak artikel yg meremang bulu roma. huhu.


Menimbulkan kesedaran dari kebenaran itu. Keinsafan dari kecelaan diri sendiri.

- Friendster -

Da cuaks layan facebook.
Signed in lam Friendster plop! ahaks!
Walaupun function xsame cam facebook, beh gaks conquer mende neh.
Da lame xlayan~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Balik hostel, jum!!!

Cam hepi plak tajuk. aiseyh..
Petang neh balik hostel, siapkan resume en Nestum pastu kua makan2..
Esk mule la kegiatan yg paling aku malas nak layan, Group assignment. FUN?

Siti ngan Qaira da pack2 dok hostel, cam excited pown ade minah bdua ni.
Buat Pj's party pown besh bile da kumpol ramai2 kan? ahaks!
en Nestum ckp kul 5 nak kuor.
Ngak tawu la nk p mane.
Nak suh die banje makan nasik sup belut. Perghhh! da lame ngidam neh!

And yea, I'm not lookin' forward about this weekend.
benci group eseimen sbb bkn wat keje sgt, NGUMPAT je byk. adeiii...
Last2 aku ngan Siti je kot yg siapkan sume. Boring.
Kalo camni elok suh aku je buat, xpayah ssh payah aku bazirkan masa dok sane.

Anyways, packin' up my stuffs. Headin' out to Pasir Pekan. Daa~

Utusan Malaysia Online - Dalam Negeri

Utusan Malaysia Online - Dalam Negeri

Telefon bimbit boleyh merosakkan sperma. aiseyh~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

- Sume orang pown buat -

Belek blog tu, nampak lawa, trus nak tiru, adoiyai~
Belek blog ni, kreatif tu!! nk buat cmtuh gaks. ades~
Tgk blog yg tu, cute nye!!!! nk edit2 tp hancus!

Skang aku da xkesa neh, blog aku odoh dimare korg kew x, lantak ler.
Bg aku simple la besh. (sbb aku xkreatif) hiks!
So, I'd like to say "Wateva!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Penat, lame giler aku tunggu, bleyh plak die g lepak kedai makan.
Aku tunggu die on9 punye ler lame.
Cramp bontot ni ha!
Call2, ckp nk g kdai mkn dlu. huRmmmmmmmmmm~
Macam besh je kan prasaan neyh!

+ Header Lagih! +

Da bosan sgt neh, edit2 gambo bt header.
Tgk ha, bapok beso.
Tapi kalo view ngan mozilla laen cket, IE pown lg laen. ahaks!
Pape pown, gune yg neh dlu ler. Wakakaka.

Demam Avril da datang alik.
Wah. rindu KISAH lalu~
Sambil tunggu Aby on9, edit2 gambo dlu ler. =]

- Lukisan Aby -

Ini SUPRISE yang En.Nestum suh aku tunggu 2 hari. hahaha.
Aku bukan orang yg penyabar, aku xske suprise2 neh.
Pandai die lukis potrait aku. Nampak tembam. hehe.
Sweet la. Mekasih Aby! =]

Arini dating kat mcD KB lepas bape jam xjumpe. huhu.
Tgk die bdiri depan 7E tu, tdetik lam ati aku "ensem nye pakwe aku ni". Bangga jap. haha
Makan2 sampai agak kenyang, pastu balik.
Sempat lagik aku bagi die simpan cincin aku.
SAje je bagi die pakai sbb aku nak die slalu ingt aku wpun die pegi mane2 tanpa aku.

Aku xsangka ler die lukiskan potrait ni.
Tharu ngat ase.
Mekasih utk Aby sbb bahagiakan Ayg. Love you owez!
(maap la reader blog, entry kali neh jiwunk cket sbb da lme xjmpe En.Nestum ni) hehe.

I had a great day. GRATEFUL.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

saya nak kete.

Cuaca membrona lagik.
bile Musim ujan lebat neh, banyak kali jgk ler aku terponteng kelas.
Maklumla, aku neh ngn moto.
Sbb tu aku nak kete!!!!
ahak, koya ler.
Lesen pown xde, nak kete.
Try mtk ngn ayah, nak nye bekok dahi aku neh kne ketuk. huhu.

adei, arap cuaca gini xberlarutan la eks...
kalo x, tersimpul elok surat cinta dr lecturer ade ditangan aku.
tak nak ler 1st time dpt warning letter...

Smayang hajat neh, supaya matahari muncul. =]

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Breaking point

I told him how I felt when he didn't listen, he forgot and when he doesnt respond.
And now, I promise to myself not to share anymore.
Because, he thought that I wanna pick a fight. =]

I cried. But I dont want to. The tears just kept pouring down. hahaha!

I remember the day that I was talking to him, in his car, sharing about my days, I looked at him, he sat there, driving the car, focusing on the road.
I kept talking and talking, but I stopped when his friend called. Guess what, he didnt ask me to continue or ask anything about what I just said. Then I just stopped talking and staring at the scenery I passed by.

He asked me why am I being so quiet? I said nothing. I guess he doesnt even remember what I was sharing about. =]

It happened few times before. But today, when he forgot about something that I already told him, I had a meltdown. But I'm okay! Seriously, I just dont know why the tears keeps pouring. hahahahahahahha!

And today, I've promised myself, not to share anything anymore. Its not really that important.
Maybe I talked a lot. Maybe hes not interested.

And maybe, I'm the only one who is in love.
Yeah, maybe. =]

* OH! Header *

Ntah ler nape arini rase syok sediri plak. huhuhu.
Beso je header da mcm banner.
muke² aku plak. wahahahahhaha

Lantar ler. PUAS ATI!!!

Ekah - 2

(this is the symbol of his heart, which he gave it to me, for me to keep it)

(this is his art of us)

(this is an art from an amazing artist, Azharuddin a.k.a Toinie, which is my ex)

(Azrul draw this for me using his drawing touchpad with a sensor pen. I forgot what he called it)

(Azrul made a vector of me!)

btw, FIY, I am totally over my Ex's. Because I have Mr. Nestum whom I care so much about.
I post it 'cause I found it in my photobucket account. huhuhu. Its an awesome feeling to take a look at these again.


This video was made by Azrul (my ex), I love it so much 'cause he is so talented and I admit it, this is awesome!!

Can u?

Will you be my listener?
Or a shoulder for me to lean on?
Respond to every details I share?
Or to laugh with me even its not funny?

Will you ever think of me in your every steps?
Or to figure out a way to help me when I'm in need?
Will you be my bestfriend and a lover at the same time?
Pamper me when I turned the other way?

Will you notice if I'm hurt when you seems like you didnt care?
Treat me like a queen for awhile?

Or maybe I'm just asking too much out of you.
But, can you at least listen to what I'm babbling about?
And dont just be quiet and wait until I'm finished?

Yes, perhaps I'm asking too much.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cyber freak!

I got a week off after the teribble news from college. So, I've been sitting on my butt, doin' nothin' for 6days. The boredom starts to running up, so I've explored my long lost account. Twitter, Myspace, Tagged. Its been so excited to look back to my old status posts. ahak!
In fact, hilarious!! hahaha.

The mood came back to me in posting new entry on my blog.

The week off is pretty much, BORING 'cause I can't really go out. Its been raining for days and days. Even my laundry is getting sucks 'cause it seems like never gonna DRY!!!

I can't go out hangin' out with my friends due to the rainy days. Siti, Qaira went back to their hometown. So, basically, the holiday is just full of eatin' activities.

Mr. Nestum was like "Go jog! you're putting more weights day by day"
and I was like "Okaaay DAD~"

But, I never go jog. hahaha.

So, thats it, the BORING holiday continues~

Friday, February 25, 2011

* BFF *

22nd of February 2011.

And this is the day when we (Mr and Mrs Nestum) decided to celebrate Fiza's 20th Birthday! Mr. Nestum is being over-generous spending it on that day. hehe. Love ya Aby! Thanks! =]

(PEACE!!! keep on stuffin' our stomach!)

("We" are havin' such a great time eatin' until we ignored each others. haha! Sorry Aby)

(Pose for the camera dear! Charlie's Angel!! haha)

(You CANT make me pose like a lady. lalalala~)

(The cake, bought by Chibowl. nice! Lovin' it!!)

(Spoiling the B-Day Girl. *wink!)

(Nice shot Aby! PEACE!!)

(Aby is like talking to his friends all the time. Blaaahhh²)

(Whats wit the weapons you guys!! ish! They're havin' a blast, I guess)

(Headin' back home. Aby is paying the bills, dont wanna be in there! hahaha)

BTW, We had a great time eatin', sharin' and foolin' around. hehe. We definitely do this again next year or maybe on my birthday! hehehe. I'm glad Fiza loved it. You're my dearest bestfriend for almost 10 years. Love ya!! =]

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I don't know where to start.
But he is totally different.
It didn't feels rite anymore.
It all started when he asked me out, I told him that I can't 'cause I wanna spend my precious moments with my precious sister.

It was on Friday.
Amy nak pegi UUM on Saturday night.
Dia cakap "kalo gitu jumpe bulan depan je" , I said "kite jumpe esk la, lps anta Amy", dia cakap die nak repair moto member lak. I said xpela, ade keje kan.
Then the best part, die cancel repair moto, sbb ade football match.

Skang aku paham la kedudukan aku lam priority die.
Tapi bile aku cakap layanla benda yg penting dulu, die marah.
Salah ea aku luah cmtu? Patot pendam je ek? Hurm...
Sepatotnye aku pendam je demi jage ati die.

Aku tak ske die marah² sbb die bkn jenis yang senang nek angin.
Last die cakap "mmg ayg xkn fhm aby, aby xkn dpt fhm ayg"..
Lepas few days ago die berubah, kuar jgk ayat ni dari die.

Aku da try kurangkan kontek die.
Aku ckp xnk ggu ble die ngan mmber².
Aku ckp aku xnk ggu die ngh repair moto.
Aku ckp kalo de pape, gtaw aku sbb aku akan tetap ade tuk die kalo die perlukan aku.

Aku slh cakap ke?
Aku xpatot try ubah ke utk keselesaan die?
Bile aku kurangkan, die ckp die xnak cmtu..
Skang die ckp aku xpaham die.

I don't know what else I should do.
I'm coping with the situation.
Situation where I'm unsure where I'm standing.

I've decided not to contact him until he does.
I'll try harder to understands him.
I'll shut up whenever he say something unpleasant.
I'll just sit here waiting for him to be the way he used to be.
I'll just...... wait.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

+ Sister's Night ouT +

I've been craving ChimChum like for almost a month, I guess.
Mr. Nestum didn't take me there.

Tonight, my precious sister treat me.
Having fun with her and she bought me a sling bag. Hehe.

We had a quick and meaningful stop at Tesco. hehe~

(The hidden "eager" feeling to find a bag)

(Starts to looking around, for "The Bag")

(A quick peek for posing with dearest sistah) (^,-)

(Aha! Spot this two adorable bag. But which one to choose???)

(This one? Its okay~ Too girly for me)

(Auuwww. This one is soooooooo ME)

p/s : I sent mms of these two adorable bags to Mr. Nestum. Asked which one is the one. And He didnt reply.

(Then I've decided to have this one!!! The winner! hehe. I use it right away!)

Then we went to Food Village and had a big meal of ChimChum.

(Trying to be an expert here. haha)

(This is how it looks. Mouth-watering stuff!!)

(Yum yum yum~ Ready to dig in!!)

And in the middle of having these tastiest meal, I got a text from Mr. Nestum, telling me to pick the No.2 bag (which I bought it earlier). I told him I bought that one. Its kinda awesome to feel that we actually have a same taste. hehe. Making me loving him even more. :)

It was a blast night. I love you Amy! Thank you for everything. Wouldnt forget it forever!

This is when the betrayal begun.

feelin like wanna strangle the only person who gives me the burden of a lifetime.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

* New hair-Do *

* Wakakakaka. da mcm Amoi pown ade. Jepun pown ade. aiseyh! xpela, yg pnting style bawu. aku da bosan style lme. ahak! *

+ Health Biz Day *

And today is D-Day.
Afta ol da hardwork. Da 'cuak'ness.
Da organizin' some sort of shitz.
It all sums up to diz fuckin' day!

And yes! Siti, Qaira and me are fuckin' glad dat its OVER!!!!!!
Then, we can carry on to our 8th semester.
Which is the exact period that we wont give a shitz to other bitches!!!

p/s : And yea, I got some pix from da fuckin' event!

*Banner hasil dr sumbangan En. Nestum*

* Ani and me *

* Sir Ameezan. A good cook and baker*

* Lapar suda. Makan duluh! *

* Booth produk HPA *

* Booth sarang burung walit *

Lots of cursing from this potty mouth. 'Cause it all came from the 'fade up'ness.