Thursday, July 29, 2010

The start of new horizon

Great! Da 3 hari start kuliah. Sir Ameezan still hot cam dulu. Hehe.
Semester 6, 3rd year, final year. Ada satu subjek je. Credit hours, 2.
Aku dah start masuk hostel. Kuliah tiap ari selasa, rabu dan khamis je.
So, ari khamis aku balik uma. Masuk hostel ari isnin lak.

Last night, i told him how I feel towards him.
Then today, he told me something I never expect.
Tapi takpe la, aku tetap akan stay. Sabar. :)

Anyway, friendship will always last forever right?
So, whats the harm if I carry through this.
My life is reaching to it's turning point now.
My life is changing, I am CHANGING.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

7th day of boredom

Oh dear, how I wish the time will go fast enough to skip all this boredom.
As usual, daily routine of household chores, laundry, cleaning out the house bla bla bla.

Well, kemarin aku mitak tolong Ain temankan aku g balai polis chabang 4 sbb nk amek mp3 aku ngan Syawal. Aku kecik ati giler arh bile die cakap die xnk pegi sebab Npy xkasi.
Sebelum ni, aku yang slalu bawak die g mane2. Even g jumpe Npy pown aku bawak. Aku kenalkan diorang, sampai la diorang tu bahagia bercintan cintun. Ergh~

Aku kecik ati bukan sbb dia xnk temankan aku. Tapi xkan sampai tahap tu. Aku g mane2 pown ngan die je sblum ni. Npy pown tahu tu. *sigh*
Aku bukan nak ajak g tempat yang xelok pown.
Pape pown, sampai bile2 pown aku akan ingat hal ni.
Mang xcaye arh ase. Tersentap~
Only God knows how hurtful it was.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

5th day of boredom

Panas!! Cuaca sememangnya panas~
Bahang mentari tuh, pergh!
Tapi aku redah gak sbb niat ikhlas nk tolong member.
Aku antar Yana stesen bas langgar, die nk balik Dungun.
Pastu jap ag aku nak kene amek Qila lak, stesen kete api wakaf bharu.
Pergh. Napela aku xleyh nak ckp TAK NAK TOLONG or TAK LEY TOLONG.
Aku xsampai ati ler bile member mitak tulun ni. Aiseyh~

Pasangan Dol lak besh2 tengah dating.
Aku lak dari pagi tunggu mamat tu mesej aku tapi xde pown.
Die xingt kat aku kowt. Hampeh tol.

Anyway, get ready tuk amek Qila nnt.

Monday, July 12, 2010


So today... Let's see, no planning ahead.
Anyway, aku puasa arini. Hurm.
Kalo aku kuar pown penat la petang nnt.
So, I'd rather stay at home and take a long nap.

That's my plan for the day. Bored as hell.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The start of boredom

Aku da start cuti semester. Final exam semester 5 cam hampeh je.
Cuti 2 minggu ni aku nak watpe?
Takde sape kat uma~
Amy da balik UUM, Adek duk asrama. Urgh!
Wahai laptop, facebook, korang je peneman setia.

Nak kuar lepak? Ngan sape?
Si Dol balik Rantau Panjang.
Member len da balik kg. *sigh*

My boring life couldn't get any more boring eyh?
Such torture. :(
Bored to death!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I suppose..

Proudly announcing that there will be no more "love sick" blogging in my blog.. hahaha..
Cross my fingers when I'm saying "Wont be posting anymore love-related post" hihi..

So, for the start, I'll be sitting for my final exam tomorrow.. Paper Business Communication and guess what I'm doing today? Fooling around of course.. haha. Nahh, just kidding, I'm studying my butt off for this semester. I wish I'll do great.

Pleasant to hear from my best friend again, as usual, keep filling me up with her stories. Haha. I can't wait to meet her this Hari Raya. I have few problems here and there, blamed by someone and keep on the remorse like it was my own fault. Somehow I snapped back to reality, I can't keep turning back and living the guilt over and over again. It bring me NO GOOD~

Posted on my Friendster Wall "No more turning back.. It is time, to let go of the past and move on.." And that is exactly I'm going to do. :)