Great! Da 3 hari start kuliah. Sir Ameezan still hot cam dulu. Hehe.
Semester 6, 3rd year, final year. Ada satu subjek je. Credit hours, 2.
Aku dah start masuk hostel. Kuliah tiap ari selasa, rabu dan khamis je.
So, ari khamis aku balik uma. Masuk hostel ari isnin lak.
Last night, i told him how I feel towards him.
Then today, he told me something I never expect.
Tapi takpe la, aku tetap akan stay. Sabar. :)
Anyway, friendship will always last forever right?
So, whats the harm if I carry through this.
My life is reaching to it's turning point now.
My life is changing, I am CHANGING.
Semester 6, 3rd year, final year. Ada satu subjek je. Credit hours, 2.
Aku dah start masuk hostel. Kuliah tiap ari selasa, rabu dan khamis je.
So, ari khamis aku balik uma. Masuk hostel ari isnin lak.
Last night, i told him how I feel towards him.
Then today, he told me something I never expect.
Tapi takpe la, aku tetap akan stay. Sabar. :)
Anyway, friendship will always last forever right?
So, whats the harm if I carry through this.
My life is reaching to it's turning point now.
My life is changing, I am CHANGING.
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