Thursday, July 15, 2010

7th day of boredom

Oh dear, how I wish the time will go fast enough to skip all this boredom.
As usual, daily routine of household chores, laundry, cleaning out the house bla bla bla.

Well, kemarin aku mitak tolong Ain temankan aku g balai polis chabang 4 sbb nk amek mp3 aku ngan Syawal. Aku kecik ati giler arh bile die cakap die xnk pegi sebab Npy xkasi.
Sebelum ni, aku yang slalu bawak die g mane2. Even g jumpe Npy pown aku bawak. Aku kenalkan diorang, sampai la diorang tu bahagia bercintan cintun. Ergh~

Aku kecik ati bukan sbb dia xnk temankan aku. Tapi xkan sampai tahap tu. Aku g mane2 pown ngan die je sblum ni. Npy pown tahu tu. *sigh*
Aku bukan nak ajak g tempat yang xelok pown.
Pape pown, sampai bile2 pown aku akan ingat hal ni.
Mang xcaye arh ase. Tersentap~
Only God knows how hurtful it was.


  1. dh2 la tu kwn ngn si samdol tu..kwn mkn kwn jgk last2..she just using u for the seek of her own interest..c, when u in need..then,u'll be left alone...tgk laa,brapa rmai people yg at first was her gud friend-then wt happen..she had done...plish laa..rmai lg yg u bleh wt kwn...she just takin up advantage on u...

  2. urg??? am i in rite place????

  3. alah adik ku syg...wat bodoh akak ni..akak mana??? akak JB pasir gudang kih3

  4. haha.. bleh plak.. aduh.. lme xbuka blog sis, xcheck komen.. aiseyh.. bru bce komen akak ni.. muah!
