Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Bila la aku nak keje nie ye? Tiap kali nak keluar menoreh, ujan lebat.
Keputusan permohonan UiTM belum dapat semak lagi. nebEss jugak.
Bila dah confirm keputusan tu, bole la decide wether keje tetap or sambung blaja.

So far hidup aku bosan!
Duit pun takde.

Aku nak beli enset baru, dah lame sangat kot aku pinjam En.Nestum nye fon.
Enset dulu 2x kene curik. Sony Ericson ngan Nokia C6.
Urggh! The losts. I miss my phones.

Aku arap dapat keje bulan depan. Please stop raining. T__T

Monday, November 21, 2011

.:. It has to be told .:.

Well, I can;t believe I'm going to say this

But do you recognise this?


I have a Twitter account.

After few years critisizing the potential and irritation of Twitter, I finnaly made an account.
Yea yea, I'm ***** yadayadayada~

I was tempted by the curiosity of my own. Can't blame it tho.
Follow me on Twitter, ekahAsri. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

.:. Not that it is not Important .:.

Well, I just want to say that I didn't get the TESL. Bummerrr. Yeah.
I am still unemployed. suupperrb. Yea~
I am actually envy every blogger that has awesome blog. (HUH?)
Okay, I am annoyed with my life. Fine~

I don't know if I'm too bored from doing nothing for the past few months, (jobless) or maybe I was just occupied with messiness in my head that was making me being like this. AWFUL~

I hate everything I see, read, smell or touch. Urgh! Maybe this is IT, one of the moments that people are having breakdown in life. I guess.

Or maybe I hate life because I couldn't do anything after knowing that I have slipped the only opportunity to keep doing what I love. English, studying the twists, the precious unheard words, the sentences that can make me have a goosebumps. The only subject that I love in life, the only things that I actually enjoy doing, writing short stories, open my notebook and write some ridiculuos poems. And now, knowing that I CAN'T learn more and deeply on it, it is DEVASTATING.

I hate my blog, by looking at it, I felt naseous, whats with the polca dot anyways? IDIOT. Its not cool at all.

p/s : I hate my life.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

.Harapan & Kerja Sambilan. :)

UiTM da apply, so tunggu je keputusan nye, mitak-mitak ade rezeki untuk sambung blaja. Pastu taun dopan apply lagih ngan UPU, InsyaAllah dapat. Mood study blom abes lagih neh. Kursus-kursus yang aku pilih tu sume da ikowt kelayakan aku, kalo xdapat nak wat caner. Meanwhile, aku g job hunting with my bestfriend. Ade jugak aku pegi temuduga untuk keje tetap tapi tak diizinkan oleyh ayah aku. Die cakap kalo nak sambung blaja, keje part time je duluh, xyah nak keje2 serious sgt. Kalo xnak keje, dok je kat umah. So, macam ler aku neh suke dok terperuk kat umah mcm anak dara mithali kan? wahaha. Aku kua ler carik keje part time kat bandar KB.

Lam puluh2 jugak la jawatan kosong yang ade tapi ade yang ayah aku tak berkenan, bile ayah aku izin mama BFF aku plak yg tak berkenan. Last2 keje kat satu kedai neh, agak lebat gak ler gaji nye. Kalo keje lame, dapat elaun lagih. ahaks. InsyaAllah aku start keje arinih. Agak baik prihatin member aku sorang neh, SMS aku pepagi buta untuk ucap "Selamat Bekerja". HAHA. Ni ler untung nye ade kawan camnih, ade semangat cket aku nak g keje.

Mr. Nestum plak ok je skang neh walaupun masih ade lagih salah faham sane sini. Papepun, masih perlu cuba untuk memahami die. So ekah, ko jangan nak ego mengalahkan ego die plak. Kawan aku cakap, lam hubungan neh, kene SABAR, BERTOLAK ANSUR. Dua elemen nih ler yang aku agak kureng lam diri sendiri. PErlu belajar lagih. insyaAllah.

Jom pegi keje! Keje neh kire yang ketiga la aku wat part time. ahaks! Yeaay ME! :)