Tuesday, January 25, 2011
+ Health Biz Day *
Afta ol da hardwork. Da 'cuak'ness.
Da organizin' some sort of shitz.
It all sums up to diz fuckin' day!
And yes! Siti, Qaira and me are fuckin' glad dat its OVER!!!!!!
Then, we can carry on to our 8th semester.
Which is the exact period that we wont give a shitz to other bitches!!!
*Banner hasil dr sumbangan En. Nestum*
Sunday, January 23, 2011
- Fly away -
Saturday, January 22, 2011
+ Baby ku mAsuk dewAn beDah +
Ayu is Engaged!!!!!
The humble ceremony is very inspiring.
And Mr. Nestum was like "Kito xpyoh tune ah, nikoh terus!" hahaha
(so much for a wedding, we're not even standing on a solid ground YET!) huhu
Sokay, cant blame him for having a dream.
A dream that makes him set his goal to achieve.
Caiyok, Mr. Nestum! =]
Heres some pix at the Ayu's Engagement.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
- F0oLin' aRounD -
The sunshine is the only thing we sweep.
The boredom starts slowly.
This is when we decided to....
Make FACES!!!!
But when Miss _ _ _ _ _ seems to walk closer.
*we'll act like we're focusing very hard*
p/s :-
Class ended at 6pm. *yawning*
And thats when we said "Peace OUT!"
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
BinG! tetiBa dtg satu idea neh. hihi.
jUm tawu sedikit sebanyAk fakta pasal akU. :)
.:. 7 Facts About Me .:.
1. Love to play with my hair even on a bad hair day..
2. I dream a lot about my future even when i was asleep…
3. I will always missed called my friends before i sleep and turn on the silent mode so that when i wake up in the morning, i can see few sms n missed called from them.. It will cherish my morning.. haha..
4. The weirdest stuff i've ever done was, i walked backside on the pavement where hundreds other people walk and bumped into my back and stared at me.. ngeh2..
5. During rainy day, i will drag my sister along and went out to the backyard and enjoying the rain.. hehe.. it makes me feel free....
6. Love to make my sis angry and shove off my lil’ bro..
7. Hate pink!
.:. 7 Precious Things .:.
1. Agama
2. My parent
3. My siblings
4. My bf (mr.Nestum)
5. My baby (yamaha Ego 115cc)
6. My friends
7. My Adidas shoe
.:. 7 Things I Fears The Most .:.
1. Allah s.w.t
2. All the sins i’ve done..
3. My dad..
4. Lizards, Leeches, frogs.. ergh!
5. Being left out and dumped (it hurts)
6. Lost my family..
7. Driving a car!
.:. 7 Songs I Truly Love .:.
1. Nobody’s Fool – Avril Lavigne
2. How Wonderful Life Would Be – Mocca
3. Sing For Absolution – Muse
4. Endlessly – Muse
5. Creep – Radiohead
6. My Happy Ending – Avril Lavigne
7. My Only One – Mocca
.:. 7 of My “1st Time” Moment.:.
1. Ride a bike when i was 4, with my dad encouraging me.. beh!
2. Listened to Avril when i was 12… (crazy with nobody’s fool) ngeh2..
3. Date a boy when i was 9.. (skoloh rendoh dulu.. a boi name aizuddin.. wahahaha)
4. Embarassed by my own dad at the mall when i was 5.. (Painful!)
5. 1st aku blaja friendster ms aku umo 11 tahun.. (akak aku yg sulong ajo..) ngee~
6. 1st fart when i was 3 days old.. (siyes!)
7. Aku bengang ngan mmber2 smpai aku lempang slh sowg nyew ms aku form 3… wahahahaha… Dont Mess With me…
.:. 7 Words .:.
1. ya Allah…
2. SHIT! (aku latos).. ngeee~ tryin’ to not making it as a habit..
3. aiyark.. (suko taip ayat nim..)
4. love u mum..
5. wengom..
6. what da hell..
7. babun air.. ahaks!
.:. pe yanG akU ske pasaL mr.Nestum .:.
i like when he SMILES
i like when he BLUSH
i like when he calls me CYG.
i like when he SING in front of me
i like when he PAMPER with me
i like when he behave like a CHILD
i like when he try to be CUTE
i even like his name.. (mohd alif syafiq)
i like when he smiles and look me in the EYES
i like the way he SITS in his car
i like when he took me for a RIDE
i like his EXPRESSIONS towards something that he likes
i like the way he EATS
i like the way he EXPRESSES his feelings
i like him when he TAKE CARE of me
i like his STYLE
i like his BEHAVIOUR
i like him when he send me MMS of his pictures..
i like him because he is the only guy that talk FRANKLY to me
i like him when he KISS me on the cheek
i like his VOICE when he sing his songs in the car..
i like when he HUGS my hand
i like when he SINGS to me
i like him when he ask me like he really CARES
i like when he said that he WANTS TO MEET ME
i like when he said “Ye cyg” in sms and telephone
i like him because he is so KIND to everyone
i like him because he OBEYS to his parents
i like when he is SULKING
i like when we talk about our FUTURE
Love you.
tOday's speciaL Meal

2nd step : Bile bawang tu da "empuk" keemasan, campur ler hirisan kubis ngan carrot yg dipotong dadu. Stir², tmbah garam secubit.

Beginilah rupe vegetable gravy yg nmpk mcm ala² salad+coleslaw ni. hihi..
Ni resepi aku yg invent, so ske ati je aku nk letak GRAVY lam nme menu ni. hahaha. LIKE!
Bile da siap "gravy" tu, mari kite tgk CHICKEN laks. :)

Kalo korang nak buat ayam camni, pilih ayam bahagian DADA.
Marinate dulu dada ayam tu dgn garam+lada itam yg ditumbuk² smpai lunyai.
Pastu pecahkan sebiji telur, sediakan tepung. Masukkan ayam tu lam tepung, pastu masuk lam telur, pastu lam tepung alik. Selang seli la ek! Jadila dada ayam celup tepung.
Masak ayam ni atas frying pan jgk dgn minyak yg SEDIKIT!!! (kurang kolestrol ok!)
Masak la smpai keemasan :)

Pastu kalo korang ske part ni, sila marinate ayam ni dgn garam+lada itam yg ditumbuk² smpai lebam. hehe. Goreng atas frying pan juga :)
p/s : korang nak marinate bape jam pown xpe, makin lame marinate, lg rase smpai ke tulang :)

..:::.. Stay true to yOu ..:::..
Wanna be in those arms.. where i can feel free and pampered..
In this head my thoughts are deep.. Thinking to plan out my life..
I've tried to stop thinking about it.. all the sins i have done in my LIFE.. In these age of sins.. cruelty seems really true…
With him i raise and fall.. feeling more like myself when he is standing by my side..
I don’t want to talk about it.. about the way of life..
I don’t want any conversation that starts with knowing who am i..
The feeling is transparent, feared by my own mistakes..
Feels like want to cry all day long..
He spokes what is true..
The truth actually made me fallen deep in my own illusions..
Was it something i said?? I’m just a typical girl who is searching for her sincere way of living this fragile world..
This feelings will never fade away even time passes by..now i know how was it like to be okay while pretending i’m not..
I've lost everything once.. but now i have him.. one out of thousands many other reasons to be happy..
I will never let him go now.. not ever… i will hold onto this bond we've made..
Please view lam Mozilla ea.. =]
mode : co0king
Feeling like wanna cook for my entire family. =]
:: Menu ::
1 . Black pepper chicken and veges gravy.
2. Kerang rebus.
Menu sikit tapi kuantiti bnyak. LIKE!!!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
how I met Mr.Nestum =]
Caner kitorunk kenal. hik².
Well, here goes nothing. =]
tarikh arini ptama puase ni, hari keramat Allah bukekan ati en.capix tok trime aku. Kitorang kenal lam facebook, die start chat ngn aku bile die ade peluang nak on9 sbb die jarang sgt on9. =] (tarikh sesi usha mengusha neh aku lupe suda~)
From the moment die usha², aku komen² pics die, cenggitu la lebey kureng. Pastu, die mitak no tepon, ms tuh pkir cam taknak bg, but he insist, aku pown bagi la kecuali dua no terakhir. Ahak! Tup², die miskol. Shocking! "Die ni bomoh kew, mane tawu number akuh neh".
Bile da lame kenal, aku tanye, how did he get my full phone number, die story la kat aku yg kwn die bagi. Member die tu laks dpt ms aku ade komplikasi cket lam facebook. Heeee, NO, of course die bukan BOMOH~ hahaha.
Then, 1st time date, aku rempit ngn member pegi pantai geting, Tumpat. Hang out kejap je, pastu balik. 1st impression aku "Ensem mamat ni". Pakej la dapat kenal dak ensem ni. Like²! (adeh, gediks suda~)
Hang out, dating a couple of times. and today, we've been dating for 4 months, Alhamdulillah. Walaupun ade masa kitorg gado sakan sampai nk clash, kami tetap kuat sbb die pandai kawal situasi. From today onwards, i'll do my best for him. (:

Meet his parent, ckp ngn Umi, tgk Abah dari ja0. hik².
Sempat gaks posing ngan adek die, afifah. =]
Mitak tulun je la ngan sesape tawu uat mende² camni.
Not really my cup of tea tp nak gak blog aku ni lawa. hikss. (ngade, uat sdiri MALAS)
Anyway, cube usha bloggers lain. *wink*
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
C0mplicati0ns on these days.
I guess i didnt say much right. A g0od start always have its end. It came just t0 give me the c0mfort i never felt bef0re. Tonight is the end. The end of things that i l0ve the m0st.
Hurm. My practical sessi0n will start on 24th of April until 27th of June. I'm planning t0 bl0w it away at IPK KELANTAN,where my mum n dad are w0rking. Its n0t sure yet but i'll kill anyone if i have t0,t0 make sure i get my butt in there.
Healthcare event is c0ming s0on. My final exam f0r semester 7 is on 7feb. ITS NEXT M0NTH!! I cant wait t0 finish my studies and m0ve on. I'm switching my m0de fr0m being a lazy ass t0 c0mmited full time student.
Well,wish me luck! May Allah swt bless me and my life i'm living in.