Monday, December 28, 2009

Evening tea at Dayu's home

Aku enjoy giler spend time ngan member aku. Itu je moments yang aku leh jadi diri aku sendiri. Aku akan kongsi ketawa and kebahagiaan bsama mereka yg memahami. Fatah mang ske amek berat sal member2 len. Incuding me. Kitorunk slalu try tlg satu sama lain.

Tapi sedeyh sbb reunion asek xjadik je as planned. Rindu ah classmate a.k.a soulmate aku. huhu.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Esok de jamuan uma fizan, xsabo ase... makan2!!!
As for today, aku ngn Fizan nk kua g mydin, pastu potong wambut...
Spupu aku de masok ward, paru2 brair.. Sian tol..

Aku ngntok jek nek moto.. Pi jalan2 buang masa ngn fizan.. ske!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Throw my hands up!!!

Saadah: membutakan hatinya pd CINTA, wa respek lu saad!!

Faiq :membenci pompuan, terluka skali, serik dowh~

Fizan :baru jek balik dari ipoh, xsabar nk lepak ngn ko beb~

Siti :happy go lucky cam slalu, byk citer sal family die, tp jarang dgr mslh aku.. ko tetap ko beb~

Yana :tlg hantar ko pi tesen bas, ko nak balik Dungun.. Aku hanya dpt spend masa ngn ko time ko mtk tlg jek.. nasib~

Raziey :asek risau jek aku curang.. Lepak ar.. =)

Miss Afnie : "Sila redeem adiah awk, sy xkan simpan lama2.." adiah sbb dpt fullmark test.. Leks ar miss, ader masa i jumpa u ek.. hahahaah.. Kerek~

Ibu :"bowok molek muto ekah, jgn koya" agak risau aku xcdent lagik.. hehehe..

Dad :"muto tu byk jgk punoh" agak risau sal moto yg nk kne repair.. lalalaala.. Common~

Mir :sweet + evil sissy at the same time..

Amir :a bro who lost his respect towards me..

Watak2 lam idup aku.. All the babes and the dudes..

Watak2 yg ader lam idup aku..

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Aku accident lagik. Cam siiaaaaaLLLL...

Pada ari kames yg lalu, 10 Dec 2009, aku nk kua kelas ngn prasaan yg terlalu lah hepi (smua student ske kalo klas abes) hehe. Aku melangkah maju ke dopan tuk pegi kat moto, aku amek helmet, tunggu Siti naik, start moto, meluncur laju jek balik uma... Sblum sampai trafiklite, bersinar mata aku biler nampak lampu ijau, Siti pown tepuk2 blakang aku, suh laju cket.. Lepas lampu tu, aku rasa cam pelik sbb moto aku bertukar arah lak.. Aku kompius nape xsmpai2 cabang depan tu.. Then masa moto aku tercium jalan, bru la aku prasan, aku xcident rupe nyer. hik2..

Siti tolong aku akat moto, aku start moto, then kitorg trus balik.. Lam pjalanan tu, aku rasa lengan aku cam pedih2 je.. Aku check2, byk giler luka.. Then, we rushed to da nearest clinic, Klinik Wakaf Siku 4, area uma Siti.. Aku kol Razi, gtaw ape yg da jadik, then die pown datang ar klinik tuh, nak nye die membebel panjang lebar.. Adeii~ Razi mengamuk sal Azrul, die baca msg aku.. Aku tgh sakit2, die nak membebel lagik.. Aku pown diam jek.. Malas nk layan sgt..

Amir, Piji, Kak and Ecah datang gak klinik tuh, Kak tlg byar bil.. Amir ngn Piji didnt stop teasing me.. Amir agak risau tgk aku bwk moto sbb die takot aku jatuh lagik.. Moto aku laks side mirror xde.. So, slow2 aku balik.. Balik uma laks, Mie and Mum terkejut tgk luka2 neh.. Aku mampu sengih jek.. Start balik citer sal how it happened.. Bla bla bla..

Monday, December 7, 2009

Kbmall runtuh?? of course not~

The silly game we play

All this time, it took me few years to realize that when someone cheated on you, they wont look at you straight in the eyes. For the several time I was fooled by all the fools that never recognise me for who I am. It has been a weird and bizarre experience when I went through all the fuss without knowing the main thing that they had framed.

I took the liberty to thank Azrul for being such a pleasant friend. I've deleted my Friendster, Tagged and Facebook account 'cuz it seems to hurt me to read all the posts. I don't want to left him but I have to face the facts that I'm not meant to be with him. I didnt deserve a great guy like him after all.