Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Layan Cyber
Viewer blog aku neh, asek baca jer blog aku tp xfollow, hampeh tol. Add aku on Yahoo! Messenger, crazeelover23, Friendster; mshavocyray@yahoo.com, Myspace;mshavocyray@yahoo.com, Tagged; crazeelover23@yahoo.com, Facebook; crazeelover23@gmail.com.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hope. Wish. Dreams.
When everything seems to fade,
When there are nothing I can trade,
When I started to realize,
That is when I am losing you.
I don't want to lose you,
I lost my perfect moments,
When you decided not to stay,
That is when you walk away.
What should I do?
How can I make you stay?
When are you coming back?
That is when I was terrified.
You meant the world to me,
I tried to hold on to you,
But you're slipping away,
That is when my heart sways.
Devastated for not knowing,
Crushed for not allowing,
Frustrated for not staying,
Broken for everything that had happened.
We have our dreams,
We got our aims and goals,
I thought we were meant to be,
But still, we are falling apart.
It was my fault,
It was my shame,
It is the final facts,
That is when I'm the one to be blame.
When there are nothing I can trade,
When I started to realize,
That is when I am losing you.
I don't want to lose you,
I lost my perfect moments,
When you decided not to stay,
That is when you walk away.
What should I do?
How can I make you stay?
When are you coming back?
That is when I was terrified.
You meant the world to me,
I tried to hold on to you,
But you're slipping away,
That is when my heart sways.
Devastated for not knowing,
Crushed for not allowing,
Frustrated for not staying,
Broken for everything that had happened.
We have our dreams,
We got our aims and goals,
I thought we were meant to be,
But still, we are falling apart.
It was my fault,
It was my shame,
It is the final facts,
That is when I'm the one to be blame.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Banjir.. 6-7th of Nov 2009..

Well, ternyata banjir neh kadam2 menyeronokkan bg mereka yg ader teman tuk buat kuak lentang bersama2, oleh sbb itu la, bnjir kali neh mmg btol2 membosankan bg aku yg duk sowg2 kat uma. Ye ar, xkanla aku nak ajak ayah n ibu join lak. Abes, xkan aku nk lyn swimming sorang2. aduiii... mmg mmbosankan argh!!!!!! So, aku pown meratapi la air yg semakin surut tu dgn ati yg amat pilu. Sunyi arh xde adik badik kesayanganku. Walaupun Mirah sllu "bossy" ngn aku, wpun Amir yg sllu sakitkan ati aku, wpun Abe Yah yg sllu call me names, and wpun Kak Tie tu agak psycho, diowg je ar yg aku ader tuk kongsi seciput happiness lam idup aku.
Sepupu aku laks, smua pi stdy jauh2, xde pown yg balik time banjir neh. Lau ader Irah, si architect, leh gaks aku meh perahu pegi saner sini ngan die. Lau ader insan2 neh an best. Bosan nyew idup.. urgh~
Halo, kpd blogger or muggles lam dunia blogging, yg sntiasa catch up ngn blog aku yg agak teruk neh, pasti korunk tertnye tnye nape aku delete sbhagian bsar entry aku yg lps an?? Well, ini kerana, aku xsuke entry aku yg lepas~ Tu je jawapan kpd smua yg bertnya. hahahaha. Rileks la, aku mls nk citer ar nape aku buang entry lepas. Agak private gaks ar..
So, baca la stakat entry yg ader neh je eks. Aku nk time kasih kpd Nalissa binti Hamid, yg sudi memberi sdikit lecture kpd aku ptg kemarin. Tanpa lecture anda, aku xkan bukak da blog neh. hahaha. Anyway, sblum aku merapu lbih panjunk, aku nk ucapkan mekasih sbb still layan blog aku. hehe.
Aku kompius knape aku jadi diri aku yg skrng. Aku cuma mahu jadi diri aku yg dlu, maafkan aku lau ader lukakan kamo. Aku syg smua mmber2 aku. Peace OUt~
So, baca la stakat entry yg ader neh je eks. Aku nk time kasih kpd Nalissa binti Hamid, yg sudi memberi sdikit lecture kpd aku ptg kemarin. Tanpa lecture anda, aku xkan bukak da blog neh. hahaha. Anyway, sblum aku merapu lbih panjunk, aku nk ucapkan mekasih sbb still layan blog aku. hehe.
Aku kompius knape aku jadi diri aku yg skrng. Aku cuma mahu jadi diri aku yg dlu, maafkan aku lau ader lukakan kamo. Aku syg smua mmber2 aku. Peace OUt~
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